Becoming a WXN corporate member sends a clear message that you support a world where women's voices are respected and amplified.
Your corporate membership signifies your strong belief in the power of a diverse and inclusive world, one that knows gender balance is as much about building strong businesses as it is about driving important social change.
You actively support – and recognize – the personal and professional development of powerful women leaders of all ages and stages. You know the value of deeds and actions, and your organizational culture mirrors the transformative change
you seek. You extend that change throughout your organization and into your community as you join forces with other leaders in WXN’s Global Alliance for Inclusive Leadership (GAIL).
This is what it means to be a WXN corporate member.
The power of bold alignment
Access new networks and drive your sales pipeline
WXN’s network of preeminent corporate and entrepreneurial partners provides excellent opportunities for networking, strategic collaborations, and new revenue pipelines.
Attract top talent, increase employee engagement, and, boost retention
Position yourself as an employer of choice with professional development for women leaders, expanding their skill sets and opening new opportunities for advancement.
Enhance your reputation and brand visibility as a leader in inclusion and belonging
Demonstrate your commitment to advancing women and underrepresented groups, which can be a significant factor for stakeholders and a strategic advantage over competitors.
Access leading research and engagement, and, best practices
Navigate the ever-evolving gender equity landscape with leading research reports and third-party best practices. Collaborate with other leading companies to share and learn.
Meet our corporate members in bold support.
What our corporate members are saying...
“Thought leadership in equity, diversity, and inclusion is important to MLSE’s overall EDI strategy. This includes the opportunity to share best practices with a broad network of EDI professionals, partners, industry experts and advisors
as well as working collectively to create an inclusive workplace and community by bringing voice to both internal and external experiences. WXN is a long-standing partner in this network of thought leaders, and we are fortunate for
continued opportunity to work with WXN and to leverage their vast knowledge and access to information on EDI to advance our mutual commitment to full inclusion.”
Angela White Senior Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment
Partner with WXN join other global brands that value and invest in women's success.